Presenter and Moderator Information and Responsibilities
We are pleased that you are considering submitting a proposal for the 2021 Assessment Institute. All sessions will be delivered via the Zoom Webinar platform. If you are not familiar with how presentations will be facilitated via Zoom Webinar, we recommend reviewing some of the session recordings from our 2020 program to get a sense of session organization, delivery, and attendee engagement options.
When submitting your proposal, you will be asked to identify and assign a Moderator on the Call for Proposal form. The Moderator should not be a member of your presentation team, but a colleague with whom you would feel comfortable serving as your Moderator.
Moderator responsibilities for the concurrent sessions are as follows:
- Presenter(s) and Moderator should connect with each other prior to the Institute to discuss the organization and flow of the session, including specific requests Presenter(s) have of their Moderator;
- The Moderator will log into the assigned session(s) at the scheduled date/time in practice mode to practice with you before the Webinar goes live;
- Once the session is live, the Moderator will introduce the Presenter(s) and keep the session on-time;
- The Moderator should alert Institute organizers to any challenges or difficulties experienced during the session;
- The Moderator should help Presenter(s) by moderating questions audience members may ask, noting that in some cases there may be several hundred attendees in a given session; and
- The Moderator should ensure that Presenter(s) end the session on time.
Please refer to the Presenter Instructions and Moderator Instructions for more specific step-by-step details for both roles.
If your proposal is chosen and you are new to the Zoom Webinar platform, we will be offering a small group consultation session on using Zoom Webinar closer to the Institute. During these small group sessions, the instructor will demonstrate the technical aspects of a Zoom Webinar for individual session presenters and moderators.
Although the Assessment Institute is being offered free-of-charge this year, we still need all attendees, including Presenters and Moderators, to register. If you have not done so already, you may register online until Monday, October 11, 2021.