Assessment Institute Partners
Founding Institute Organizer:
As the nation’s oldest and largest event focused on higher education assessment and improvement, the Assessment Institute benefits from the intellectual contributions of many partners. The Institute organizers are grateful to the following organizations, resources, and publications for their involvement in the Assessment Institute. Many partners are also featured as guests on episodes of our award-winning podcast, Leading Improvements in Higher Education.
Contributing Institute Partners:
- 1EdTech
- ACPA’s Commission for Assessment and Evaluation
- American Association of Colleges and Universities (AAC&U)
- Assessment 101 in Higher Education: The Fundamentals and How to Apply Them
- Assessment Update
- Association for the Assessment of Learning in Higher Education (AALHE)
- Association for Authentic, Experiential, and Evidence-Based Learning (AAEEBL)
- Association for Institutional Research (AIR)
- California Outcomes Assessment Coordinators Hub (COACHes)
- Carnegie Elective Classifications (Community Engagement and Leadership for Public Purpose)
- Center for Assessment & Research Studies (CARS) – James Madison University
- Center for Postsecondary Research (CPR)/National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE)
- Collaborative on Academic Careers in Higher Education (COACHE)
- Competency-Based Education Network (C-BEN)
- Consortium of Organizations for Student Affairs Assessment (COSAA)
- Continuous Improvement Summit hosted by Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
- Coordinating Divisional and Departmental Student Affairs Assessment (2nd Edition)
- Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher Education (CAS)
- Delivering on the Promise of High-Impact Practices
- The Department Chair
- Enrollment Management Report
- Exemplars of Assessment in Higher Education, Volume Two: Strategies for a Changing Higher Education Environment
- Experiential Learning and Teaching in Higher Education
- Gardner Institute
- Grand Challenges in Assessment Project
- Guiding Principles for the Assessment of Arts Learning
- HBCU Collaborative for Excellence in Educational Quality Assurance (HBCU‑CEEQA)
- Higher Education Data Sharing Consortium (HEDS)
- HIPs in the States
- The Hope Center for College, Community, and Justice
- Improving Student Learning at Scale
- Journal of Student Affairs Inquiry, Improvement, and Impact (JSAIII)
- Leading Improvements in Higher Education Podcast
- Learning Improvement Community
- Maximizing the Impact of Assessment in Higher Education: Closing the Loop with Change Management
- NASPA’s Assessment, Evaluation, and Research Knowledge Community
- National Association for Campus Activities (NACA)
- National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE)
- National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment (NILOA)
- The National Teaching & Learning Forum
- The Pell Institute for the Study of Opportunity in Higher Education
- Timothy J. Piazza Center for Fraternity and Sorority Research and Reform
- Reframing Assessment to Center Equity
- Research & Practice in Assessment
- Student Affairs Assessment Leaders (SAAL)
- Student Affairs Today
- Teaching with AI: A Practical Guide to a New Era of Human Learning
- Transparency in Learning and Teaching project (TILT Higher Ed)
- Trends in Assessment
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