Program Booklet / Full Schedule
The schedule for the 2016 Assessment Institute is now available. Click on the link below to download the schedule which lists detailed information on all the sessions being offered at the Institute.
2016 Assessment Institute Schedule
Schedule Room Changes:
- Track 03D (Keynote), Going Beyond Boundaries…, Hilary E. Kahn
Session has been moved to room Florida and Illinois
Schedule Cancellations:
- Track 04M1 (2nd Shared Session), Faculty Development…, Shadi Assaf and Liza Mohanty
- Track 05A21 (2nd Shared Session), A Learning Curve…, Darian Burwell, Alim Chandani, and Andy Tao
- Track 06G2 (2nd Shared Session), Aligning Graduate Health…, Melanie Davis
- Track 11J, Measuring the Impacts of High Impact Practices…, Scott Oates, Lynn Pelco, Erin-Marie Brown, James Gahagan, Janice Baab, and Christopher Rillstone